Course Blog

Course Blog

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Web 2.0 Tools Project - Update "Feedback"

In my opinion, this project was a very fun and value-adding activity to engage in. I enjoyed it a lot! I liked especially the fact that we were given a free choice about what we want to present about ourselves and that, through this project, I got in touch with so many different tools and applications that I have never used before (i.e. GarageBand, iPhoto). So I learned a lot during this project, too, what is going to be very helpful in my future since technology and the ability to use it is of utmost importance nowadays.

I used the tool "vuvox", which was awesome! I actually thought about doing another collage for my "Study Abroad Blog" that I am also writing so that my friends and family back home in Germany know, what I am doing and what they are missing here ;). This tool allows me to include music and pictures, cut the important parts out of these pictures, put different songs into my collage and many more things. The only problem I encountered was that somehow I was not able to include a video in my collage as always, when I loaded it up, the vuvox tool said "Media Encoding Error". I contacted the customer service team, but unfortunately I did not receive any answer or solution to this difficulty yet. However, I decided that the video is not the most important part as I could also tell my story with pictures.

What was especially value-adding about this project is not only the fact that I am now able to use some media-applications on my Mac better, but I also learned how to actually structure my work better and more efficiently, as well as how to adhere to the copyright laws discussed in the first week of this course. Consequently, I think that not only my awareness of copyrights increased a lot through the actual application of the learned laws, but I also significantly improved my ability to use new software and plan my time, which are important capabilities for my future life in the business environment.

So, it would be so great if you could watch my collage that I am so excited about and give me as much feedback as possible - not only through comments underneath my vuvox collage, but also through the poll that is located on the right side of the Web 2.0 Interaction Method page. Furthermore, to guarantee better visibility and readability, I recommend to enlarge the screen of the tool (there is a "fullscreen" button on the bottom bar of the tool) or to go directly to the Web 2.0 Tool Story page and watch the enlarged version there.

Enjoy watching it and I hope I can encourage you to not only travel to the places that I show you on my collage but also to use this awesome vuvox tool for any future projects!

Valerie Wagner

P.S.: Do not forget to comment and evaluate my story ;)! Thank you a lot!!!

Update: Feedback

Unfortunately, I did not receive as much feedback as I hoped to receive for my project. After all, I have to attribute it to my late submission of the link to my story, I guess. However, the one comment I got (thank you Alexander ;) ) was very positive, though I have to admit, that it was mainly due to this excellent tool, that my collage looks like it does. My online poll was also not really participated in, as I suspect a score of 100% "Loved it!!! 8-)" out of two (!) evaluators, is not really a reliable indicator for how people actually liked my collage.

Regardless of these facts, it was such a lot of fun to do this collage and I am proud of my work, so I could not wait to show it to family members, friends and publish it on my personal blog, which I created for my study abroad here in the US. All people, who actually saw this collage were really enthused about my project (I hope, they were not subjectively but rather objectively evaluating my project ;) ). So after all, I had a lot of fun, and even when nobody of this course actually looked at my collage (except for Alexander ;) ) I enjoyed it a lot!

Take care,

Valerie Wagner


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